The Makers
Armando Giulio Barbieri
1893 - 1963
Armando Giulio Barbieri was born in Asti on August 6 1893 and died in Forlì in 1963.
He moved to San Martino in Strada, Forlì, around 1909 and became active as a violin maker from his own workshop in 1925. He was self-taught and worked on classical models somewhat after the style of the Antoniazzis.
He won medals in Florence in 1926, Turin 1927 and Rome 1928, 1929, 1932 and 1933. His medals are conserved in the Pinacoteca civica di Forlì.
His workshop was reconstructed in the Museo etnografico romagnolo Benedetto Pergoli in Forlì and the instruments that remained unsold on his death were merged into the Forlì, Museo Romagnolo del Teatro.
He is the author of, Trattato di Liuteria Antica e Moderna Dedicato ai giovani Liutai (Treatise on Ancient and Modern Violin Making Dedicated to Young Violin Makers) which was published in Forlì in 1956.
His work is relatively rare and our example exceedingly so as it dates from the very year of the inception of his workshop.