Eben!Holz e.V. | Protecting endangered wood for musical instrument making

Eben!Holz e.V. is an association aiming to protect endangered wood for musical instrument making. In this article, you can learn more about the association and the vital work they do.

For centuries, musical instruments have been crafted using a variety of woods, including native species like spruce, sycamore maple, and pear tree, as well as exotic woods like ebony, rosewood, and African blackwood. However, due to environmental factors, many of these woods are now at risk of extinction or have become endangered.

What is Eben!Holz e.V?

Eben!Holz e.V. is a collective of musicians and instrument makers dedicated to safeguarding the endangered woods used in the industry. They share a united objective of combatting destructive practices threatening these woods and their native forests. These practices include illegal trading, slash-and-burn farming, and the conversion of natural habitats into rapidly growing wood plantations or grazing lands.

The mounting peril faced by the woods utilised in creating musical instruments poses significant existential challenges. Therefore, they are actively committed to preserving the forests that harbour the trees used in the music industry. They have ongoing projects in Madagascar and Romania.

Their vision

Their vision is to foster responsible and sustainable forest management practices and adopt equitable trade methods for the woods utilised in producing musical instruments, representing the ultimate solution in the long run. They believe we must prioritise nature, the bedrock of all life, and make it a priority.

How you can get involved

If you want to support one of the projects, you can get involved in a few ways.

Become a sponsor 

To contribute, all you need to do is make an annual donation of 25 Euros or more, although more significant amounts are also appreciated. These donations are entirely voluntary and can be terminated at any time. It is important to note that you are under no legal obligation to Eben!Holz e.V. Find more information here.

Become a member 

You can become a member of the association by filling out the membership application and sending it by email, post, or fax.

Make a single donation 

Any help is appreciated. If you would like to support them with a single donation, you can transfer an amount of your choice to Eben!Holz e.V. bank account. Eben!Holz e.V. is a recognised non-profit organisation. Therefore, all your donations and grants are tax-deductible.

We hope that from this article, you have learnt more about Eben!Holz e.V.  association and the vital work they do.

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